Book Overview

This is a celebration of falling in love and partaking of the Wine of the Beloved. It is both a meditation on the Song of Solomon, the Song of Songs and a celebration, a rumination on the love of the ancient Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi for the Divine in ways that bridge divides between faiths as the realization of the “desire of nations”.


Other books

Streams: Meditations on Isaiah

This is a celebration of anointed poetic meditations on the timely yet ancient book of Isaiah. At the site of his tomb near Israel’s border with Lebanon there is a plaque honoring Isaiah as the Bible’s “greatest prophet” because even in times of trouble he carried the yoke of God’s Covenant with “the greatest of joy”.


This is a first person, “as if”, rendition of the New Covenant book of Mark from a perspective, a view – not The View, but a view – of the Unseen Substance of our most precious Faith.
It’s viewpoint is “through Jesus’ eyes” because where the Holy Spirit is Lord, there is Liberty; and so I take the Liberty to let His Word dwell richly in me and flow through me as through the bed of a stream in “a land of milk and honey”, in “a land of grain and new wine”, the same “Mystery” that is “in you” if Christ dwells in your heart by faith, if the Word-made-flesh abides “with” you. It is as a “fire shut up in my bones”, and herein its tongues have licked and have kissed the surface of that which I see.
Without His Call and His Equipping, His ever-present Help, I could have done nothing, and could not have sat down, day by day, morning by morning and evening by evening and taken up the “Waterman” He provided at The Chalice Thrift Shop, the “the pen or a ready writer” and given voice to the Voice that sings in me to you.

In Port – Meditations On The Psalms: Volume 2

This is the second volume of poetic meditations based on the Psalms, written as ‘prayers’ for the Peace of Jerusalem and all Israel. The fi rst meditations in this volume were written in the port of Ashkelon, Israel on board the author’s small vessel that he sailed to Israel from America in 2010on a “Modern Odyssey”, leaving her there to be used by modern warriors suffering from PTSD. The rest of the meditations were written next to the stained glass pictured on the cover, overlooking battlefi elds where the United States of America won her liberty.


At Sea is a book of poetic meditations on the Psalms written while standing watch in the darkness before dawn in intercession for Israel and her neighbors and in preparation for sailing on a small vessel on the authors twenty-third trip to “the land” of God’s promises. At Sea was finished on Mother’s Day, 2010 because Israel, that tiny “island” in the midst of “roaring seas,” birthed both Scripture and Messiah, the Word-made-flesh and she, as God’s wife, is the mother of our faith. “Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.” (John Donne)

Songs of the Sea – Songs of the Shore

If prophecy is not to be despised, the author is called as an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven to be a voice and write, inspired by God’s Spirit. To this end he has lived out an amazing three-strand testimony, written on his heart to illuminate God’s Love for Israel. The strands involve God’s Death-defying deliverance of the author, his wife, children and parents. Fruit of the explosive treasure in this testimony (‘TNT’ ) is given the poetic voice as he seeks to sail life’s seas and “speak…in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19).